

I think I want an iPhone 6, but my 'Nexonaxy' envy is stronger than ever

I genuinely enjoy using iPhone hardware and iOS, and Apple's phones have been my phone of choice since iPhone 3G. However, I have never been more open to purchasing an Android phone. This is due in large part to: how I use my phone today, the availability of very good Android hardware that may better fit my usage style, and how good Android OS has become. With this in mind, I've been thinking about a few non-negotiables, that if absent from the next iPhone(s), would push me toward an Android phone. 

Moto X: 2 Cents

Lots of speculation going on about the Moto X, and no doubt you have seen the picture  of the excited couple leaping to their doom with nary a lifeguard in sight. There are rumors of minor exterior hardware customization, which is likely since this is fairly easy, having little to no impact on manufacturing processes. Additionally, the phone will be assembled in the USA making the time from consumer order, until the Moto X is in hand short, and thus feasible.